Sunday, July 31, 2011

Be Still......

August creeps in as I type, I take a deep breath and realize that I have never been this calm in August. This August is unlike the past. This August I have been given the gift of enjoying my children and family 100%. School clothes, new backpacks, fresh new pencils, many spiral notebooks to be filled, and the anticipation of a fresh year in school for my babies are the things that are on my mind.
This year I get to be Mommy, Wife, friend, and just me. I am so excited for the new opportunities that await me in this new life for our family. I have gotten a lovely appetizer of this life during these summer months, and I am eager to be immersed even more.
Because of this gift, I have been able to watch my children in a way that I often times miss.....a way that allows me to sit in awe of the creations that God has given Regan and me. These times are precious and I am so blessed to be able to fully focus on the precious moments which include their funny faces, crazy art projects, Lego creations, fun pasta meals in the play kitchen, their amazing way to create an outfit (on their own), the way their eyes sparkle in the sun, their adorable tan lines, and to be re-introduced to their inner personalities. When I get caught up in life and all of the things that I think I have to accomplish, I find that my vision is blurred and I miss out on so much that is before me.
God, thank you for this wonderful opportunity to be still and know........