Friday, November 18, 2011's really ok's not always easy even when it's the change for which we have prayed.
I sit here thinking of what all I accomplished this week, or not. You see, my life as a teacher has ceased for now and I have become a stay-at-home-mom.....or my new term: never stays at home mom. At the end of these days sans children (since they are at school), I find myself analyzing my accomplishments and items checked off of my to do list. More often than not I see the heap of items I have not successfully finished......or in my world, even started. Anyone relate to this, or am I nuts?
The days that were chunked into two/three sections are now broken into many sections which are incredibly haphazard when it comes to planning. It's a goal of mine by the end of the holidays to get a decent schedule in place so I can rest easy in the things I have accomplished and at the end of the day say, "Well done, Laura. Whatever didn't get done today can move to tomorrow." And in that, I can be okay and enjoy a less than task driven life. Life is not about portraying a human "doing." I want to be a human "being" and just be......