Monday, March 19, 2012

...making memories 2012

Memory making.....

It's something I always strive to do, but oftentimes fall short. Yes, we have memories, but many times it's because of the disaster that followed the event and so forth. I have good intensions, but we know where those lead us. While packing our family for our Spring Break vacation to Red River, I had the dread, frustration, and mountains of decisions to climb. When I say dread, it's the usual Mom packs, kids run wild, mom gets frustrated, raises her voice, and we all sit in wonder of what the hell were we thinking when we decided to take a family vacation and drive 9.5 hours to ski?!?!

Well, looking back on our trip I am so very grateful for our ski trip and our time together as a family. Yes, the trip was long. Yes, the trip was full of bags, bags, and more bags. Yes, it took FOREVER to dress the kids in their warm ski gear and watch in awe as they bumbled down the walkway not knowing how to walk in ski boots. Yes, we had chaos at times of rest and meals. However, despite the usual family frustrations, (I pray that I am not just talking about myself here), we have to look past the frustrations and grab the moment, the very moment our child smiles as a result of doing something new for the first time, meeting a new friend and seeing the joy in the acceptance, we have to laugh at the messy times and then grab the camera and capture all that is new. Each moment, each second is new, and to live in that moment, we have to put aside all of our past, our expectations, our worries, and grab our little moments and soak in them.

One priceless tool that helps me "be in the moment" is my camera. I LOVE to capture photos of anything, because each photo is unique and has it's own meaning. I found myself craving my camera as we were skiing on the mountain to capture the fun we had as a family. (Now, if you have skied, you know that skiing with a large, complicated camera is a little challenging.) I only had my phone to rely on, and that wasn't the greatest device to get close up shots of the kids. I had to deal and know that behind those "not so great shots" were memories of what they were doing, the chuckles Regan and I shared as we tried to get shots and see what they were learning. Photos can never be perfect, but the photos through life have more meaning to them than the zoom, lens, or even camera type. It's our personal camera, or our perception, of the moment that enhances what the outcome becomes.

I look at our photos from our family vacation and I cherish each of them knowing that behind every crazy, unpredictable photo lies a beautiful memory that we will hold close to our hearts as long as we live.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year and a New Beginning......

Happy New Year 2012! Wow, isn't it interesting to enter a new year and reflect on the past 12 months? As I look back, I remember how Regan and I thought the same thing last NYE looking back on we were so glad to see that year pass. Here we are once again, a new year, glad again to see 2011 in our past. Why is it that we are able to look back with regret much easier than giving thanks that God included us to experience it all? Where would we be if 2011 hadn't panned out to be what it was......I have to wake up and look at it in a different light. If it weren't for what we have experienced, we wouldn't be where we are right now at this very second. When I say this, I have to also tell myself, "Laura, it's not the "physical" where you it is all of the "other" where you ares...." (hope this all makes sense in my crazy words...)
Now I look into the future. I have to be honest as I type's much easier to look to some of the bad "what ifs" of what the future might hold. As 2012 is well underway, I pray to look at the wonderful possibilities which lie ahead and not the "what ifs" of this dark, broken world.
Earlier in the Advent season, I had some deeper thoughts (for me) throughout the fast-paced craze of Christmas preparations. Our family was preparing to light the Advent candles one Sunday and that week I read over the liturgy. Honestly, I looked at it as just words that first time, but as Sunday morning approached, I had some sort of sentiment towards the words I would read....about Mary.....about how she was willing to accept God's call to do what he had in his plans for have the courage to fulfill God's scared Mary had to be to bear the Holy Child, the Son of God, the Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace....

...and yet, she did just that! She accepted the call. How many times have I thought to myself that there is NO WAY in the world that I can do any difficult task, large or small, just because it was unfamiliar, scary, and the honest fact that it was just too much work for me? I am embarrassed to say that the times are numerous.....but I look now to the task that was in front of Mary and see my difficult tasks in a different way. If Mary was willing to fulfill this huge call, as scary as it was, than surely I can press forward with the willingness to fulfill the calls that God has placed before me and respond with "Here I Am, Lord..."

May your 2012 be full of fearless tasks waiting to be approached with joy and amazing willingness that each of us can accomplish as we look to Mary and what she was willing to do.

In love, peace and joy for 2012,
