Monday, March 21, 2011

"Mom, I'm growing up......."

Spring break has come and gone and all we have are the memories that we created ourselves. Although we didn't even get close to the city limits of another town, we did create our own fun. I don't know about any of you, but when it comes to "free time" with no set schedule like we're accustomed to, I get a little anxious. I know it is due to the fact that I have a hard time with "down time." It is hard for me to sit and be still. I believe it is a by product of me not wanting to be alone with "me!" YIKES! If I am constantly running, my brain is task-focused, not me-focused. Is this anything to which you can relate? I anticipated the week with mixed emotions.....what would we do? Zoo, park, playground, movies, grandparents, friends, family, cousins, crafts, Target, United.......oh, the possibilities were endless! Ha!

I will say that we did most of those listed above. Having a week with no schedule, practices, school, work, and appointments was a great lesson for me. The days led themselves to just play out as they would.....with whatever activity was at the forefront of my mind at the time, and I went with it, which would never have happened in the past few years. I was so grateful for the "fly by the seat of my pants" attitude and I think Cameron and Claire enjoyed this attitude as well!

We had the wonderful opportunity to spend time with cousins from both sides of our family and what a blessing it was! One night, while Cameron was packing his suitcase for an overnight adventure with Carter, I was overseeing what he was gathering up, or hoarding, as I like to call it at our house. As he was snatching some legos (because we don't EVER want to be without Legos), I turned to him holding his blanket and asked if he wanted to pack it. (Side note: sometimes he packs this specialty item just so he knows it's with him and doesn't take it out of his bag.) He turns to me and looks over his shoulder while gathering toys and says with the sweetest look on his 7 year old face, "No thanks Mom, I'm growing up."
Well, as most of you mothers would guess, I had tears welling up in my eyes like a tidal wave.....trying to focus to answer him. I said, "Well, sweetie, ok. I know you are growing up, and I am so proud of you, but you have to know that your Mom will always see you as her baby." Cameron then responded with, "That's okay, Mom, you can call me your baby."

Regan was walking through the hallway at this time and I shared with him with a slight hush in my voice. Even Regan had the sweetest, wow, he is growing up to actually say those words.

It's days like these that I sit in awe at the gifts such as the precious moments that we miss if we don't take the time to soak up the words that are exchanged between parent and child. Most of the time it's "hurry, come on, oh my goodness, tie your shoes, we're going to be late, etc......"

I related it to the image of God (the blanket) and us as his children. Often times I find myself thinking that I can do this stuff on my own...Laura Power. However, when it comes down to it, when I give up that false power I can rest, rest in the comfort of God's peace that he offers if we just take hold of the blanket of his love and snuggle up. At least I do know that when Cameron feels comfortable enough at home he will go to his blanket, knowing it's a comfort and not meant to hinder in any way. I pray, as his mom, that he learns to pull out the "blanket" even when he's not home, to be a testimony of God's love.

I will always have that precious look as a snapshot in the life of Cameron in my mind....because I know he is, in fact, growing up much faster than I ever imagined. I know as a child of God he will come back for the snuggle of love!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Laura! Oh how I need to slow down just be in the moment too. You are good at blogging. Keep it up!
