Friday, March 25, 2011


Well, what a week it has been! You know those weeks....I know you do! They begin pretty calm, and gradually one thing after another creeps in, stealing any joy you might have. This describes my week exactly! One thing led to another, and another, and another, get the point. Then, I had a little quiet voice within me...."God is God, and I am not."
What a wonderful phrase to hear in the midst of the crazy day(s). I have to remind myself of this many times during the days when I get caught up in my many jobs. With teaching, I find myself thinking I can make kids care, that I can console all of their hurts, and be whatever they need at whatever time of the day. I try so hard and many times fall short. I also have to realize that no matter what I do, I am not God. Realizing this gives me a reprieve for the moment and allows me to stop and be in the moment of what I am actually capable of doing.

I also have to practice this in my other "outside work" duties. My second job(s) of two precious kids, wife, CEO of the household, volunteer, daughter, friend, Christian....lead me to sometimes think that I am bigger, greater, and more capable to do things on my own rather than ask for help. This makes absolutely ZERO sense! If I am all of these things, and above all, a child of God, I have to realize that God is God, and I, certainly am not. I can not allow myself to go through the days thinking that I can do everything without God's help, love, and grace. I can't do it alone. I am making a conscious effort each day to realize these things and ask him to guide my steps and lead me in love, grace and faith. It's not easy.....oh my, it's not. Like many have told me, "Progress, not perfection, Laura!"

Until next time......blessings to you!

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